3rd Annual St. Patricks Day Spectacular!

So on the 3rd installment of the St. Patricks Day Spectacular, I'm now just beginning to remember things that maybe I should not remember from that day.
I guess this could sum it all up - Booze, women and Burrito Boys (best burritos in t.o.).
In terms of remembering things, maybe I should keep that to myself, as some of the people who may read this might be be embarrased..... or .... caught!
Like the Guiness slogan 364 days of practice, 1 St. Patricks Day. The last 364 days were nothing but practice, and like most olympic athletes that was my day to perform. Boy did I perform, I think at one point I was drinking out of a pitcher, and then ordered a another one.
So we went from bar to bar, actually you can take a look at the schedule. By the second the stop we ran into a little bit of a problem. Ordinarily the Loose Moose would be open, not today. They were closed til 4pm which meant that we had top go somewhere else! What did this mean for all the other people that were going to catch up with us at around 12....then I thought to myself, who I am kidding people are still working, and only us four would be going from bar to bar, but to my surprise, one guy did show up. I guess if you work for the government its ok to take time out in the middle of the day and have a few drinks, so now we know where some of our tax dollars go! In any case our group grew by 1 and now we were 5 again. Oh yeah did I mention that we were four, grew to 5 at the first bar, but b/c some donkey opened his the door without looking out for cyclists, the dude had to go back home after he had one drink so that he could clean the blood of his elbow. Yes folks he had the spill, then came to the bar and then went home! Yeah I was imnpressed. Well by the 4th bar we went back to 4, and then grew by 3! Now we were 7!!! Its like magic, and beer was flowing.
So now we're at the last bar, there are many people here and I've decided to mix drinks. This is what probably lead to the drinking straight out of the pitcher.
In any case it was a lot of fun and I'm back practicing, waiting for the next St. Patricks Day, did you know it was on Saturday and I won't need to take a vacation day!!!!
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