Vending Machine

We got a vending machine at the plant, AWESOME!!!!! Now I can finally have a real drink at lunch, instead of that yogurt we get! I just thought I should get that off my chest.
In any case things are good here, I like it (bold statement?!). I think I will take an intense session of Chinese classes to get conversational, so it makes things easier. Like trying to find the famous but elusive Shanghai Noodles. Man, I've tried to get them many times, but I've been quite unsuccessful. Kind of funny, my favourite Chinese dish is from Shanghai and I can't find it in Shanghai!
Well, I am going home on Saturday, and it should be good, looking forward to seeing everyone or anyone who wants to see me! Looking forward to some home cooked Dhar and Rotli!!!! Maybe I will hold the Bhaat (rice).
So the other day we were about to go home and I notioned to the driver if I could drive for a little while, I was just joking, but he jumped out and dragged me into the driver seat. Good thing for Patrina, Fong and the Autobahn, cause driving standard is a new thing for me, and then on top of that driving in China! It was fun! I was blazing down the Dayie Highway, it was scary and exhilarating at the same time. Scooter, cars, cyclist pulling out in front or getting extremely close, I became a quick expert at using the horn. Everyone got a honk, even the lady selling chickens at the intersection! One hand on the steering wheel, with my thumb ready to press the horn and the other constantly shifting. It was exciting, my passengers didn't think so! hehe
Anyways talk to you soon!
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