Tuesday, September 12, 2006


It's been 5 years since the two towers were taken down from the New York sky. I remember exactly where I was. I was in Atlanta in a training session for work. I remember that all the trainers were ex-military. I remember that one trainer was frantically trying to call family in the New York Area to find out whether he/she was ok.

That was five years ago.

After watching our P.M. speak about 9/11 and terrorism, and then U.S. President address the American population, I kept wondering one thing: is this the future we are going to give our successors? A world full of hate, greed, mistrust, and fear. This kept on playing over and over in my head.

It was a horrific event that lead to two countries being invaded, and countless others into economic sanctions. Only driving the rift further between the different ideologies, which aren't that differnt to begin with.

This war on terroism....it's never going to stop. Not because it can't be stopped, but because the ideologies behind the acts of terror are thought to be justified, why? who knows, except those who commit these acts.

The only way to kill an idea or ideology is with another idea or another way of thinking. A better idea, or ideology.

I hope and wish that the greatness of people like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa, and others can inspire people to change idea's and ideologies. That's what they did, they inspired people to do the right thing. Change the way they were thinking, essentially educating people on humanity. That was an idea. Maybe if we have more people like that we would have a better world.


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