Monday, August 21, 2006

Back in Toronto

So I came back to Toronto, after a long annoying flight which was supposed to be direct from Shanghai to Toronto. Instead, I was detoured from Shanghai to Vancouver, which has the worst customs line ever! Then I had to catch a flight from Vancouver to Toronto, which was another hassle. They said all you have to do is put your bags on a conveyor and you are on your way! Then once you clear customs you see this huge friggin Air Canada Line. So I missed many flights that leave for Toronto, good thing they have service every hour.

In any case I am back in Toronto, and just went to a week long celebration for my friend's wedding. It was awesome.

I would like to congratulate Jessie and Raman in their new life together, wish you the best guys!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes you are back. It is nice to have you back if only for a little while...

August 23, 2006 7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun with your another two weeks!
This is Veta ;)

August 28, 2006 9:10 AM  

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