I can, We can

“No individual raindrop ever considers itself responsible for the flood.”
...and I’m in a flood. A Flood of thoughts, a flood of actions, a flood of regrets, a flood of happiness, a flood of sadness, a flood.
Lately I’ve been wondering about all kinds of things, things that have been making my heart heavy. Things that I don’t know I should be thinking about. Like this war between Lebanon and Israel, is it really terrorism or it that gas pipeline? The international community held hostage to peace because certain countries have special interests (Why have the U.N.? – puppet!) Why North Koreans are feared by western corporations. Why children today will never understand why we ruined their planet.
We have made so many choices, and have repeatedly made wrong ones. We let our greed and thirst for money and power, overwhelm our good nature. We let lust empower our sexuality, when our sexuality is an empowerment of our being. We hide behind the corruption of religious interpretation and government polices to hurt other human beings, willingly or unwillingly. Did God really want that of his children? We let a mother and her children go hungry because we believe gay issues are more important than abolishing poverty. This is crazy. The world has gone mad!!
This is a flood and there will be no Noah’s Ark to save anyone. We must save ourselves. We must change. Like the individual raindrop we don’t consider ourselves responsible for the flood, but we are. Unlike the raindrop we are conscious beings who can think and can take action to create a different type of flood. A flood that changes thought, changes perception, changes lives.
This world has so many great things to offer, but we can’t be immobilized by this flood. We need to take action, whether it’s serving food at the local shelter, reading to children, being a Big Brother, I mean even just being a good friend.
My kryptonite.
I guess I should end this the way I started it, with a quote.
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something, and I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.” - Edward Everett Hale
That is some deep S#!T VJ.
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