Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Going to India for a month!!! Awesome!!!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I watched this Indian movie the other night, Zinda, and man it was different than most Indian movies. I think it was a take on a Korean/Japanese movie. Zinda, means alive. It was good, I would recommend this to anyone who likes, well 1) Bollywood; 2) movies like Kill Bill, and Collateral Damage. By the way if anyone knows what movie this concept came from let me know cause I would like watch it!

On a another note, the Bill's got smoked by the Bear's! Hopefully this is not another long season for the Bill's, and yes I am a Bill's fan! What can I say!
I miss football. I need to get satellite!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Milk - Good or Bad?

Can someone please help me out?! Milk in China for sure uses growth hormones and antibodies otherwise they wouldn't be able to produce enough of it.

From what I've read, or been able to find on the net, they say its all safe, I don't think I agree.

Well I'm trying to find the organic stuff here, but I can only find some UHT milk from Australia, which I don't know is safe either... hmmm... or just bite the bullet and drink the regular milk??? Is anything safe nowadays????

Gives a new meaning to "Milk it does a body good!"