Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's been awhile....

Well its been a few months now, and actually I've gotten a few complaints about not writing in this blog. I thought no one was reading them. I was wrong.

Anyways there are a few things on my mind.

One is that I met a gentlemen on the street in Shanghai and after meeting him eye to eye as I passed him on the sidewalk, he approached me and asked me to lend him a hundred RMB. I quickly said "no" like I do with all the merchants selling fake watches, and purses. He followed me and then said he needed the money to get back to Nanjing and that someone had stolen his wallet and again I said "no", I then saw what I assumed to be his wife and son. I still said "no". He gave me his business card and assured me that he would return the money, but I still said "no". Now at this point I walked away and got into a taxi and went home. I looked back, as he and his family sat on some steps by a small building. I could see the man and it seemed as if was assuring his wife that things were going to be alright.

I went home.

I felt horrible. I could have done something to help this man and his family and I did nothing. For me it wasn't a question of the money, but was I being scammed? For hundred RMB equivalent to about $14 I turned this man down. $14 would not have broken my bank account, but it definitely could have helped someone. I did nothing.

I still feel bad. Today I know that was the wrong decision whether or not is was a scam, I should have given that man the money he may have really needed my help.

I can only hope that in the future I will make the right decision. Maybe I'm a fool, but helping someone who needs the help is always the right decision.

Anyways take care, and I will try to write more regularly


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