Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I watched this Indian movie the other night, Zinda, and man it was different than most Indian movies. I think it was a take on a Korean/Japanese movie. Zinda, means alive. It was good, I would recommend this to anyone who likes, well 1) Bollywood; 2) movies like Kill Bill, and Collateral Damage. By the way if anyone knows what movie this concept came from let me know cause I would like watch it!

On a another note, the Bill's got smoked by the Bear's! Hopefully this is not another long season for the Bill's, and yes I am a Bill's fan! What can I say!
I miss football. I need to get satellite!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I will be at the Lion vs Bills game on Sunday! It maybe the only game that the Lions have a chance to win this season!

And also hoping to get to the Tiger game that evening as well, since it is across the street.

October 11, 2006 9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To make it even better they got beat by the Lions, I figured the lions would go 0-16. Figures the Bills would be the ones to ruin that. Don't worry though, they squeaked one out against the mighty Vikings.... That should make the year worth while

October 16, 2006 8:51 AM  

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