City on Fire

So I spent Chinese New Year in Shanghai! It was amazing, or atleast the fireworks that were going off all over the city were!
At about 6 pm the fireworks started going off, just a few places, and then by 10pm, with no place to go cause everything is closed or stupidly crowded, I went home with some pizza and some beers! From my 37th storey apartment on the east side of downtown, I have a good view of the city! There were fireworks everywhere, I mean there's something to say about firework shows, and there's something to say about the whole city engaged in lighting up the sky!
It was amazing, never seen anything like it. I was in India for Diwali, and it doesn't even come close. I mean the the entire sky was filled with fireworks! What a sight!
At midnight it became really intense and at one point I could only see the fireworks that were really close because the sky was filled with so much smoke!
This continued until I think about 3 am, when I was able to finally fall asleep from the crackers, which started again at about 7am!!!
In any case, it was a good experience!
Oh yeah if you are ever in Shanghai, keep in a umbrella with you, twice in one week I got drenched cause I couldn't get a taxi!!!!
Anyways catch you later, for you guys in Toronto, see you in March!
Oh yeah St. Paty's is coming! you can read my second or third blog for what happened last year, and this time I will post the schedule before the beer drinking event!